
Mexican Rice Salad

A great friend of the family, Debi, shared this recipe with me, and I modified it a bit. Here is my version, using brown rice. There aren't measurements for the rice and veggies, so just make as much as you want; I always have leftover dressing which keeps well in the fridge and is delicious over a taco salad or drizzled over enchiladas.

Mexican Rice Salad

For the salad:
Cooked brown rice
Shredded carrots
Chopped green onion
Chopped cilantro
Rinsed, drained black beans
Rinsed, drained (or thawed) corn
Avocado, chopped

For the dressing:
1 cup red wine vinegar
2 cups salsa
1 cup olive oil
4 cloves garlic
1 tsp salt
1 T sugar
Process dressing in blender (I use my immersion blender for less dishes), toss salad ingredients together (except avocado) and add dressing to taste. Top with avocado and serve with green tabasco as desired.

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