
Homemade Bubble Bath; and "Disco Baths"!

My extremely creative husband, who also happens to be an awesome daddy (I know, I know... but mother's day is coming up, I gotta earn some points), came up with what he calls "disco baths" for our son Ty. Ty LOVES baths, so its not like he needed persuading to get in the tub, but this just really kicks it up a notch. Mike gets these little glow sticks:

You can get an 8 or 10 pack at the dollar store, so he's been stocking up.

So he places them all around Ty's tub; some hanging on things, some floating on toys, some in the water; fills the tub with lots of water and bubbles; turns out the lights and puts on fun dance music. Ty's favorite lately has been Michael Jackson's Off The Wall album- but he's a huge MJ fan. His fav movie is This Is It. Seriously. This kid LOVES music, so these baths are right up his alley. And what kid doesn't love stuff that glows?
Well, since Ty wants these baths every day, we've been going through a lot of bubble bath. Mike can't just pour in the recommended capful; he's gotta make it REALLY bubbly. So, he took it upon himself to make homemade bubble bath. I know, I was so impressed!
The recipe is from My Frugal Lifestyle, one of my favorite blogs. And it's soooo easy to make!

Homemade Bubble Bath

1/2 cup shampoo (a great way to use up some shampoo I got for almost          nothing with coupons a while back)
1/2 cup water
1/4 tsp table salt

Whisk your ingredients together (Ty thought this project was almost as fun as the baths themselves)....

Then pour into an empty container. Next time we'll double the recipe to fill this big spiderman bubble bath container.  

This made a nice, bubbly bath for Ty last night! Now if I could just figure out how to make my own glow sticks.... 


  1. AnonymousMay 03, 2010

    This is an awesome idea...wish my kids were still little...mentioned disco baths to them...mind you they are 20,17 and 15...got some odd looks. Maybe when the grandkids start coming:) Carmen

  2. Lol! My husband may not be happy that I'm sharing, but he recently made himself a disco bath in my big soaking tub. So maybe you're never too old! ;)

  3. Fun idea
