
A Bee Party

Next month my baby is turning one.
I don't know where the year went! But I know all you moms out there know exactly what I'm talking about. Seems like time flies even faster with the second child.

I'm so thrilled with Beckham's summer birthday! Ty was born in January and I've always struggled with his birthday parties. Especially the first one. We have a lot of family and I like to do a big party, but no one has a house big enough for all of us. So August will be much easier! We can have a big, sunny, backyard party!

My husband came up with the bee theme for Becks' party. I absolutely love it. And not a cartoon-y, cutesy bee... more of a vintage-inspired realistic bee. With honeycombs and sunflowers and lots of muted, mustard-y yellow and brown. So Mike designed these tag-style invitations and I think they turned out so great!

He designed and printed them, then we cut the tag shape, inked the edges and added a bronze eyelet, then tied hemp string to each one.

Isn't he creative? I'm so impressed. His talents are wasted working at a bank. ;)

I'm excited to share more elements of his party as it comes together. We are having so much fun with it!


  1. I am so impressed with these invites. Seriously, is he for hire for my kids invites? lol. I am so not creative, but these are so perfect for Beckham. Good job Mike.

  2. Wow Mike! I'm impressed. I'm calling you when I get ready to design some business cards.
