
Mommy necklace... and a little preview

So I've been longing for a mommy necklace for a while now. Pretty much since Beckham was born. I was completely happy with a very simple one with just the boys' initials, but my always-creative husband had to find one that was more unique.
So he ordered one for me (but let me customize it) from an amazing shop on etsy called sTuck in the Coop.  Heather was wonderful to work with, let me customize and switch up my necklace, and even rushed our order a bit. I'm so thrilled with how it turned out!

This picture does NOT do it justice! The little charms are so hard to photograph. But the silver bar says 'Ty', the circle says 'Beckham", the diamond has the year we were married, and the big frame is a 'T' for our last name. I am so in love with this! Had to share it. Check out her shop for much better photos.

And, just for fun, here is a preview of a secret project I've been working on this week:

Gorgeous, right? This was what I came home with after almost two hours drooling in the fabric store. Mostly Amy Butler, Michael Miller and Joel Dewberry fabrics, plus some wonderful minkee which has left fuzz all over my house, clothes, even in my eyes and nose. But I can't wait to show you what I made!

1 comment:

  1. I love, love, LOVE your necklace!! Can't wait to see it in person! And enough with the "secret" project....WHAT IS IT??!!
