
Sewing project: Kitchen curtains

Every afternoon the sun beats through my west-facing kitchen window, blinding me as I make dinner and wash dishes. I often wear my sunglasses in the house for this reason. And we've avoided installing blinds- partly because of the expense, partly because I love uncovered windows. On a recent trip to the fabric store (and there have been many, mostly due to my new niece arriving this November and the sewing frenzy that resulted upon finding out she was a GIRL!) I stumbled upon a gorgeous fabric in the remnant bin- half price, as remnants usually are. It was a full yard for $5... a nice, heavy home decor fabric. Wasn't sure what to do with it, but you just can't pass up pretty bargain fabrics, and I was so drawn to this one! 

Finally one day it occurred to me that I could sew some simple curtains for my kitchen window to keep the sun out of my eyes, and that this print just might work. A yard was a bit small for this window, so I added a couple scraps of green to the bottom. 

Still a bit small, but not bad for $5! I had my husband pick up a cheap curtain rod at Ross, which I think cost around $10... So a fun, practical window covering for around $15! Love it!

I kinda like the way they look like decorative panels when I close them.

These were so easy to sew! I'm hoping to find a great print in warmer colors for fall and winter... then I can have a new look with the seasons! Possibly a red and white damask... our dining room chairs are red, so I think that would look so pretty as fall sets in and Christmas approaches.

But I'm not quite ready to talk about fall. Almost, but not quite. 

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