

I love how the new year feels like such a fresh start.

I have big plans for this year. Well, big to me. Keep in mind having a most-of-the-time semi-organized playroom would very big. As would an always neat car. But I like the relative simplicity of my life. I chose it. Planned it that way. Gives me room to fill it with the things I really love.
So that's what I hope to accomplish this year- Lots of stuff I enjoy, less that I don't.

Sorta wish that meant I was hiring a housekeeper, but nope. No such luck. But I know there are a lot of things I can do around this house to make the cleaning easier. A few areas that could stand better organization. And the biggest thing I plan to work on is organizing my time.

I need to find better balance.

The couple weeks before Christmas got so crazy with sewing projects and shopping to finish, and the overwhelming and surprising coffee cozy sales really threw a wrench in my plans. I felt scrambled and unable to prioritize- and my house suffered! I realized I need to organize my time a bit better.

I know when I'm old I'll look back fondly on these sweet years home with my babies... the time together, raising them and just having fun with them. I want them to have those memories too. I don't want them to say, "Mom was great, but she was always too busy to play. Always sewing, always cleaning, always in the middle of some project...". But I think that's how it's been!

So how do I find the right balance between the things I want to do and the things I have to do? The kid time and the grown-up time? The house cleaning and the having fun?
I've struggled with this off and on since I left my beloved job outside the home and took on the most fulfilling yet frustrating job I've ever had. I kept telling myself it's just because I'm new to this SAHM thing, I'll get it figured out. But it's been almost 18 months since I left work and I'm still trying to figure it out!

I like my house clean. I don't like clutter. I like to cook meals for my family. I don't like fast food. I love always being in the middle of a project. Crafting and sewing. Blogging. Visiting with friends. I love to play with my kiddos, but always feel guilty when playing if there are chores to be done. And there are always chores to be done! Right mamas? Yet when I'm doing chores I feel as though I should be doing something fun with the kids!

I absolutely love staying home. Best thing I've ever done, best decision we've ever made. I'm eternally grateful to my hubby for supporting this dream of mine. So I want to do it well!

Tell me your secrets! How do you balance your time? Do I need a detailed, daily schedule? I like structured days, but need some flexibility! All you seasoned, experienced mamas, please share your tips.
Thanks. :)


  1. Sarah FernandezJanuary 02, 2011

    The key: acceptance. The chores will never be done, the kids will always need something and as time goes on, there will only be more stuff to do. I stayed home for 18 months and I was never able to find balance. Now I am working full time and going to school full time. Tony stays home and he loves it. We have three growing boys, one is now a teenager and our time is precious. We have cub scouts weekly and karate four nights a week. There is never enough time. Just accept that life is what it is and if the chores don't get done there is always tomorrow. :)

  2. I have a house cleaning schedule...I use it to keep me on track in the house and break things up, so I am not wondering at the end of the week.."what in the world did I do this week?" Also, it really frees up a lot of time to play with my children and or have fun outside the house. Sometimes, I am up early/stay up late and do the daily task...or just do it throughout the day...however and whenever is my goal. Here it is my schedule.....
    Monday: Mop and Dust
    Tuesday: Toilets/Tubs/Towels
    Wednesday: Laundry and Bathrooms
    Thursday: Bedrooms/Laundry Room/Garbage
    Friday: Dust/Vacumm/Car Clean Out
    Daily Tasks: Sweep/Dishes/Declutter and spot clean
    Once a week I have a special house cleaning project and I fit it in on any day or do it all week.
    Special Project: All Cabinetry. Garage. Trim and Floor boards. Windows. Pictures. Whatever striks me that is not included each week but needs attention monthly or a couple times a month.
    I could so easily type this all out...because I have it posted in my pantry as a reminder to me, what when and where....also it gives me a great sence of satisfaction to complete each day and have the freedom to do whatever else I want.
    Hope this helps and gets your wheels turning towards your new more balanced year!! xoxo T

  3. Teresa, thank you!!!
    I think this is exactly what I needed and don't know why I haven't done it. I guess sometimes it takes someone else sharing their strategy to figure it out. :)
    I copied your exact schedule and tried it out this week. I easily got each chore done each day. The great thing is that I don't have the entire week's chores looming over me, feeling guilty for playing with the kids or working on a sewing project. If I finished my list in the morning, I was able to play legos or catch or playdoh with NO GUILT! Love it. :)
    I've always spread my chores out throughout the week, but never with a specific plan. So I always felt like I had more to do and never enough time. I'm planning to change up just a couple things specific to my home from your schedule and keep it in my pantry for my new plan!
    Thanks so much for taking the time to share it, you may have just saved my sanity!

  4. Courtney LangJanuary 13, 2011

    Genelle--first of all, Happy New Year! I am actually trying out a cleaning schedule myself this year to try to stay on top of our household stuff so I don't keep leaving it all and having it take a full weekend to get caught up. You know when everything is icky it takes a lot more gusto to get it done, so you just keep putting it off? That was so me.....I think you are lucky and blessed to have found a hobby that you are passionate about, and really good at as well. I know your boys will have no complaints as they grow up, you are a wonderful mom and they are lucky to have you. Keep your eyes on the Lord, and your hands busy with your children and your husband, and you can't go wrong. Even if there are some dirty dishes in the sink at the end of the day. :)
