

It's been raining here for 30 days. Really. Not a complaint, just a statement. Thought it might be interesting to those of you who don't live in the Land Of Endless Wet.
Here's what I've been doing:
Making far too much 5 minute bread (jeans are rather snug...the downside of bread being too easy)
Not crafting
Cooking! Oh, yes. A few new recipes to post soon.

Back to the crafting. I must be in a rut. Haven't been sewing either. Good thing I had a nice supply of coffee cozies already. I decided to look to Etsy for inspiration, which always gives me good crafty vibes. But I got distracted by some amazing, gorgeous craft rooms. Then I started daydreaming.... do the kids really need a playroom? Does hubby really need an office? I spend more time in here than he does. Wouldn't I feel inspired all the time if I had one of these amazing rooms?

I decided I needed to save my favorite rooms. Make a sort of inspiration board. Cause someday I will have one of these rooms. Even if I have to make the kids share a room. Perfect chance to finally play with Pinterest! It is a super cool website that lets you "pin" things that you come across, and categorize them into  "pinboards", which you can share with friends. Or just save for future inspiration. I heard about pinterest on the make happy facebook page but didn't check it out right away. So glad I finally did! It's just full of gorgeousness! You can view boards that other members have created... sort of reminds me of the "treasuries" on etsy.

Anyway, here are my pins! I can't figure out how to actually post them here, so click the link to view, and here are a few of my favorites...

Wow, right? I think if I actually ever do have a room of my own and the funds needed to create a space like these, I don't know how I would choose a look! I love each of these for different reasons. But, oh, what a problem to have. :)

1 comment:

  1. I've been in such a rut, too! Avoiding my project pile. Darn rain.

    I've decided to give myself deadlines. That seems to be helping. Have fun collecting pins for your craft room!
