
The BIG baby shower post

Oh my word, this is a lot of photos. 
But I just had so much fun I wanted to share every detail with you!
My SIL Christie asked a few months ago if I would help her plan a shower for our friend who is expecting her first little one in August. Once the big ultrasound revealed a sweet baby girl, we got to planning. 
Momma-to-be likes purple, so we instantly decided to go with varying shades- eggplant to orchid to lavender. I had a few theme ideas but we decided to go with 'dresses'.... what could be more girly?
So here is the day, in photos. First of all, praise the Lord for the fabulous weather that day! Bright sunshine, warm, just a light breeze. Perfect.

This is the gift table, before most guests arrived. It ended up very full!! Baby Skylar is loved and blessed already!

We knew right away we wanted to decorate with actual dresses, and my mom found this gorgeous skirt that demanded a prominent location. 

These are some of the prize bags I decorated, because what's a shower without games? And what are games without great prizes in pretty little bags?!

Christie and I had great fun on baking day, making the hydrangea cupcakes above, and of course- purple cake pops! On a side note, I've started using my stand mixer to crumble the cake and mix in the frosting when I make cake pops, and man do they get smooth and lovely! It really helps!

These were devil's food cake with chocolate fudge frosting, coated in vanilla candy melts with purple sugar sprinkles. They tasted like fudge-y brownies. Mmmm.

Here is the food table, complete with Skylar banner. It's a bit hard to see, but its held together with tiny wooden clothespins. 

Some closeups of the cupcakes- We jazzed up lemon mix with sour cream and pudding... then topped them with vanilla raspberry frosting. A funny little story: We filled one with extra frosting as a game; whoever gets the filled cupcake gets a prize. A nice, girly prize. Well, no one found the winning cupcake. Until after the shower was over and my aunt called to say the leftover cupcake she brought home for her hubby just happened to be the winner. So, Uncle Aaron, we have some nice vanilla body spray with your name on it. 

Frosting these was so easy! I was surprised. Saw them originally on Pinterest, and found the corresponding blog that posted them, along with a tutorial- which of course I can't find now. 

I decorated a glittery wooden 'S' that we sent home for Skylar's nursery. And the pic above is a bit washed out, but Christie and I folded the napkins into little dresses with bows. 

Creamy pasta salad cups- because cupcakes and champagne floats aren't always enough.

I had a lot of fun making these little dress cupcake toppers. Cardstock, tulle, ribbon and lots of hot glue. Fun stuff. 

I love individual portions of food in little cups. 

And something about these sweet/salty dipped pretzels just gets me. Plus they are pretty and easy to make. 

The non-alcoholic drinks. For the poor preggo. ;) I somehow forgot to snap a pic of the champagne float, but it was nummy. Champagne with lots of melty, cold tropical sherbet. Kinda wish I had one right now...

I also love indoor furniture brought outdoors. And pregnant mamas need comfy chairs with ottomans. Decorated with tulle.

My sweet friend, who has two beautiful girls, lent me these tiny dresses she had saved. Well, four of them are hers, the others were gifts for baby Skylar. 

I had tons of fun sewing two of these dresses. The second and fourth from the left- I forgot to take closeups of them.

Here are the tissue pom poms Christie and I made- I'll be posting a tutorial for these in the next couple days. They are surprisingly easy to make, and would be perfect for a wedding! Or mini ones for a baby mobile! I sent these home for Skylar's nursery as well. 

Thank you so much to my mom and dad, for letting us take over your gorgeous house for the day and all help with this event. To Christie for letting me help plan and for all your hard work! And to Jessica and Jenna, for the ideas and setup help...
Also to Stacey- thanks for having a girl! I got to immerse myself in ruffles and ribbon and tulle and dresses. Congrats on baby and thanks for letting me be a part of this day!
To my fab hubby who had kid duty all day Saturday- thanks babe. Love ya. 

Check back soon for a fun pom pom tutorial!

1 comment:

  1. If there's one thing I've learned since joining Pinterest, it's "when in doubt, PIN IT!" I can never find anything again if I don't pin it. :)

    The shower looks great! So many adorable, fun details. My favorite part is the dress napkins. AND the food in individual cups. Love that!
