
Garden updates

I planted a spring garden this year for the first time, and what a great year for it! Instead of the usual summer stuff, which would have sat in the ground rotting and barely growing due to the never ending rain and lack of sunshine, my cool weather crops thrived! I believe I started planting in March. Lettuce and snow peas were the first plants, and they did great! Got lots of early salads, and we've been picking the snow peas for a couple months. Then I planted broccoli and cauliflower- two of my favorite veggies. Both did so great!
Here is my third cauli, almost ready to pick. 

These garden fresh cauliflower are so delicious. Can't believe I've never grown them before.
I never got photos of the broccoli but they did great too. Both are new favorites that I will plant every year. I think normally they would be ready much earlier... but the weather and all.

Walla walla sweet onions! Delish! These are almost ready too- I planted them in late April I think. I really ought to keep a garden journal or something so I can keep track of what I'm doing. But I can't wait to pick these and put them in something fabulous. 

This is probably my tenth lettuce plant. I get a little too excited about beautiful vegetables, but isn't it gorgeous?! I've really tried hard to plant them successively all season, starting really early, and it's been so awesome having fresh salad whenever we need it! I've hardly bought any at the store and we eat a lot of salad.
I've also planted endive and pepperoncini! Very excited about those. We shall see how well they do. And as always, an array of herbs and one lonely little tomato. I adore tomatoes- one of my favorite things. Especially fresh from the garden. But all my cool weather crops took so long to be ready that I didn't have a lot of space for my warm weather stuff! Need to plan better next year. Again, a journal would be handy. Or a much bigger garden. 

Do you plant a spring garden? Anyone grow Kale? I've really wanted to grow that one. Also spinach! Maybe next spring. How are the tomatoes doing? Mine seems to only have a few little flowers so far- no fruit yet at all. Sure hope I get some ripe ones!


  1. We're growing a flat leaf kale this year. It's doing well, but my friend's curly leaf kale is just exploding. I might try that next year.

    We have TONS of green tomatoes, but we've only had one large and two cherry tomatoes ripen so far. They were tasty though. Hope the sun this week helps speed them up a little!

  2. Oh, I've never tried the flat leaf kale! I love the curly though. Jealous of your tomatoes! I think I got mine in the ground a little late- sure hope I get a few!
