
Barbie cake

First, let me apologize for the horrid quality of these photos. I snapped them quickly with my phone and meant to take more with the good camera... but never did. So this is what you get. 
Last weekend we celebrated my husband's and my sister-in-law's birthday. Their birthdays are actually three days apart, so we just did big fun weekend sleepover at my parents. Beautiful weather (finally!!), great food, lots of playing and relaxing. I love spending time there. It's almost like going on vacation. 
So, this SIL of mine (my brother's wife) loves barbie. Can I just say how stinkin' lucky I got with my two SILs?! Growing up I only had a brother (whom I absolutely adore- but I always wanted a sister too!). So when I married Mike I inherited his brother and his brother's wife- Ruby's mom. LOVE her. I was so excited to finally have a sister. Then my brother married his love, and I got another sister! Two fab ladies that I can't imagine not having in my life. 
So. My brother suggested the idea of making a barbie cake for birthday girl last week, and I was instantly thrilled by the idea. It's like designing a dress and decorating a cake all at once! Luckily Ty's awesome teacher happened to have a barbie skirt pan, so I borrowed it and got to baking.

I wanted to use a real barbie instead of those barbie torso-on-a-stick things you can buy in the cake aisle. But sadly she was too tall. So an amputation was necessary. 

I made a bunch of roses with royal icing to sort of match the painted-on bodice barbie is wearing. Then did her skirt in fondant layers. I added some white "beads" around her (tiny. kinda hate her.) waist, then had some fun piping a "pearl" ring and bracelet on her. Of course she needed an icing flower in her hair. 
Oh, my this was fun.

I don't see a lot of barbie cakes in my future, so thank you sister, for your endearing barbie obsession that allowed me to have some girly fun with edible gorgeousness. 

Speaking of girly fun, I am in the midst of planning, with my barbie-loving SIL, a baby shower for a friend who is having a GIRL! I am ridiculously excited. We are full of ideas and can't wait to put them all together. I've been working on a super simple, but so pretty craft that I will share soon!

1 comment:

  1. It looks great! Nice job! :) My hubs and I were grocery shopping last week and he spotted a barbie cake over in the bakery... apparently he had never seen one before bc he thought it was so clever! lol! He would be oh so impressed that you made one yourself! ;)
