Today I got the very, very exciting news that my awesome sis-in-law is going to have a GIRL!!!
This is unheard of in our family.
She had two boys. I had two boys. We thought these men of ours (who are brothers- no girls) could only, ahem, make boys.
But we were wrong!! And I am so thrilled I can hardly stand it. I can only imagine how she must feel. Excited? A little scared? Overwhelmed? Emotional?
Anyway, this calls for some shopping. Oh, wait... I don't have a (paying) job. But I do have a sewing machine!!! This calls for some sewing!
I had to get on Etsy for some inspiration. Look what I found!
Oh, my goodness. I love this tutu. Or maybe it's this sweet, chubby baby girl I love. I'm sure I could make a tutu. And what a practical gift for a newborn. ;)
Isn't this the cutest little baby pillowcase dress? I've been really wanting to make one! A friend of mine made one for her daughter recently and I remember thinking, "I could probably do that! Oh, but for whom?" Soon I'll have a sweet little niece to sew impractical things for!!
Ok, this crochet headband is gorgeous. Again, is it the headband or is it the baby I'm so drawn to?
Awwww. Definitely the baby here. But the headband is pretty darn cute too.
Another project I'd like to try my hand at is a rag quilt. It overwhelms me a bit... how do you keep those ragged seams from fraying? Gorgeous though.
Ok. I know she's not my baby. But I can still look at girly nurseries, right? Just for fun? Look at these fabric flowers on the wall!! And the chandelier! And the baby's name above the crib! Bliss.

I am so drawn to mobiles. I love unique ones like these. Aren't they pretty?
Wow, that was fun. Thanks for indulging me on this little journey of femininity. And it's only the beginning! I get a new little niece forever! Well, until she turns twelve and hormonal. Then I'll take her to get something pierced and it's back to momma she goes.
Congrats to my beloved SIL!
Congrats on your niece-to-be! So exciting.
We have one of those rag quilts. A great-grandmother gift. No, you can't keep it from fraying, as far as I know. You just wash it a bazillion times and eventually the threads stop coming out in the wash. Our is 6 years old, and it's just perfect now. :)
Oh, good to know! That answers my question perfectly! Can't wait to try one. :) Thanks Marisa!
GENELLE!! Thank you so much for sharing my enthusiasm :) This is super exciting, and I'm SO happy (and blessed) to have a SIL like you! I love ya!
And I love the little patch blankie you made her already (the boys have fought over who gets to sleep with it)! Guess they don't mind the pink afterall.
Love ya!!
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