
Pumpkin cupcakes with salted caramel buttercream...oh, and some veggies

Today it is raining sideways. Perfect day to stay in my yoga pants (don't know why they're called that.... I never do yoga in them) and bake. I pinned this recipe forever ago, and it was just what I was hoping for on a day like today. Pumpkin, since halloween is tomorrow, and salted caramel buttercream! Because there is no better combination. Here is the original recipe. I sprinkled some with cinnamon and some with my gorgeous pink sea salt from hawaii. Also I used fresh pumpkin instead of canned. For the first time this year I made a pumpkin pie with fresh pumpkin~ and it yielded about double what I needed for the pie. So I froze the rest and it came in so handy today!

I've somehow resisted eating one (so far) but I did lick a bit of frosting off my finger... so scrumptious.

I think they'll be perfect after our chili feast and trick or treating tomorrow! 
Again, click here to visit made in melissa's kitchen for the recipe!

And to balance the cupcakes.... something healthy. But still delicious! I know I've said this before, but roasting veggies is the absolute best. It really brings out their flavor, they stay firm but tender (no mushy, soggy veggies in this house!), and it is so simple! Roasted broccoli is my favorite. Roasted red potatoes are a close second. This fall combo of carrots, fingerling potatoes, purple potatoes (from a friend's garden- gorgeous, right?), and garlic is as delish as it is pretty!

Just chop veggies, toss with olive oil and whatever seasonings you like. I think I used an italian blend, some sea salt and fresh ground pepper for this. Honestly just salt and pepper is wonderful though! Toss 'em on a pan (this is my favorite pampered chef baking stone~ It's very well seasoned from all this veggie roasting I tend to do!), then roast in a 425 degree oven for 20-30 minutes. Sometimes more. Stir them around now and then. 

Serve as a side dish, toss with pasta, or just eat it straight off the pan as your dinner! That's my favorite way. :)
So there ya go! A healthy dinner so you feel better about eating all those pumpkin cupcakes.

Tomorrow I'll be sharing some of the crafts I've been working on for my bazaars! One is coming up next weekend... hope those that are local can stop by and visit!

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