"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15


Cake class creations

Cake class was so much fun. Last night was my last one and I'm kinda sad it's over! The series I finished was called Decorating Basics, which was four weeks long. But there are two more four-week classes I can take! I just need to decide when to take them... week nights are kinda hard because class starts at 6 and Mike is barely home from work by then. 

Anyway... Here is my first cake:

I took this photo with my phone in class, so the quality is not great... but how fun this was!

Here are some of the flowers we learned and practiced:

Then we learned how to fill cupcakes! Mine were red velvet filled with a cream cheese/whipped cream mixture. 

We learned a few more flowers and practiced on the cupcakes. Turns out I am really awful at making flowers. There are a few I can handle, but the roses we learned last night? Not so much. My friend Becky whipped out roses like nobody's business, but mine were seriously deformed. Good thing I have that handy Cricut Cake. I'll just cover everything in fondant

Here is my final cake. It was super fun. I drove myself crazy trying to get the icing smooth. Again, perhaps I'll just cover everything in fondant from now on. 

These are one of the two flowers I can make that actually resemble flowers. Leaves? I can handle leaves. Easy peasy. Maybe I'll just make leaf cakes. 

Ta da!!! Here is the fun surprise:

Inspired by Marisa's rainbow cake. My purple layer sorta fell apart so it's a little thin in the center. But still so pretty!

It was so ridiculously tall it wouldn't fit in the cake carrier I borrowed from my friend Jessica. Luckily my cake class friend Becky had a taller one, so we traded for the evening. 

I love the rainbow cake. It was a bit time consuming, however... and I used 3 boxes of cake mix. And my stand mixer got a heck of a workout. But it was kinda worth it. :)


Marisa said...

It's fabulous! Nevermind about the purple layer. . . the pink one totally makes up for it. :) And your icing looks great. I tried doing smooth, straight icing myself last week. It's going to take a lot of practice. (Oh darn, that means more cake!)

Mark Tilden said...


MindyT said...

Oops, that last comment was from me....not Mark ;) and I think your flowers are GREAT!